
Bromley Council welcomes views on local plan

Views from residents, businesses and local groups are being welcomed in a new consultation which will inform the review of Bromley’s Local Plan.

The Local Plan sets out local planning policies for the whole borough and is a key document when determining local planning applications.

In an extensive process, the current plan was adopted in January 2019 following much consultation. The Council is required to review the plan every five years, which helps to ensure that it reflects the council’s current social, environmental and economic priorities, including those outlined in the latest Corporate Strategy, as well as recent changes to national and London-wide planning policy.

Councillor Yvonne Bear, Executive Councillor for Renewal, Recreation and Housing said: “It is important that our planning policy protects the borough’s unique character, with our attractive, popular town centres, surrounded by amazing green spaces and friendly village communities. While at the same time, we are keen to encourage beneficial development and regeneration to come forward across the borough and continue to generate prosperity, with design in keeping with the Borough’s character.”

The consultation runs until 30 June, with further public consultation expected at later stages of the Local Plan review.

The consultation document sets out information on the current Local Plan, notes relevant changes since the adoption of the Local Plan; and sets out how the new Local Plan could respond to these changes. A number of questions highlighting key issues are included, although respondents are not required to address these points.

Responses to the consultation can be submitted online, by email or in writing, with the consultation document available online as well as at the Civic Centre by appointment.

Find out more about the review of the Bromley Local Plan.

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