
Friends of Goddington Park awarded Platinum Jubilee Park's Grant

The Friends of Goddington Park in Orpington have been awarded £20,000 by Bromley Council under the Platinum Jubilee Park’s Fund to improve their under 5s play facilities.

A fundraising campaign including a Crowdfunder, a community quiz and raffle featuring prizes from local businesses helped raise £500 to enable the Friends Committee to qualify for the grant. Over 150 local residents and park users gave their views through an online survey and a consultation held at the Blenheim Children and Family Centre to create a vision of how the playground could be improved.

Co-chairs of the Committee, Wendy Seeley and Lynn Trucknott said being awarded the grant was the best news they'd had in a long while. "In these dark times it is so good to have something positive to celebrate and we'd like to thank Councillors Tunnicliffe and Botting for their support, but most importantly all the park users and residents who responded to our campaign. We are all looking forward to creating a play ground that our under 5s deserve!"

The refurbishment will be managed by Idverde working alongside playground designers Kompan, whose vision of the playground can be seen on the Park’s website. Check the website and social media for updates on progress - and look out for a special celebratory event to open the park in early 2024!

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