
London Biggin Hill Airport launches new skills and innovation centre

On Thursday 16th February 2023, London Biggin Hill Airport was delighted to unveil a new skills and training centre. The unique space was formally opened by the London Borough of Bromley’s Portfolio Holder for Renewal, Recreation and Housing, Councillor Yvonne Bear.

Based on the airport site, The Hub has been launched to support the airport’s colleagues, local businesses and community organisations by providing a dedicated space for employers to upskill their workforce. It will also be made available to local schools and colleges to support educational programmes for the borough’s young people, including sector-based and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths) skills training.

The facility offers a range of flexible meeting and event rooms, available to book on an individual basis, that have been designed to accommodate all types and stages of learning.

Biggin hill

Councillor Yvonne Bear, Portfolio Holder for Renewal, Recreation and Housing for the London Borough of Bromley, said “I was delighted to officially open The Hub at London Biggin Hill. It is great for Bromley businesses to have a space where they can invest in their people and focus on unlocking talent within their existing workforce, whatever their learning style.”

“As a Council, we are supportive of initiatives that create employment and re-skilling opportunities to ensure Bromley continues to thrive in this fast-paced economic environment.”


Natalie Smith, Head of Human Resources at London Biggin Hill Airport, said “London Biggin Hill is a talent-based organisation passionate about investing in its people. As a key contributor to the borough, we’re proud to launch this facility for the whole community to utilise and enjoy, as we continue to focus on creating local employment and driving regional prosperity.”

The Hub will be available to book from Monday 20th February 2023. For more information and to book, please contact the team via the website

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