
Clean & Green

As part of Orpington businesses’ work to make the town centre a more attractive and welcoming place, Orpington 1st has installed twenty-eight four-foot technicolour flower cubes across the high street.

The cubes consist of rose, orange, yellow and white Calibrachoa, Lobelia blue start, and pink Diascia, delivering a vivid burst of colour.

Clean and green flower cibe 2

Following positive feedback, the parklet at the entrance to the Walnuts has been reinstalled. Delineated by planters and benches, with an attractive flower ach entrance and a picnic bench in the middle, the parklet provides a pleasant rest stop for visitors and an extra opportunity for planting.

Orpington Parklet May 2024 b

This year, the town centre business community has also funded chewing gum removal across the high street. Operatives use specialised machines which apply heat with an environmentally responsible gum detergent utilising raw materials from renewable resources. The solution is biodegradable, phosphate free, non-corrosive and has a neutral pH.

Clean and green gum

According to Keep Britain Tidy, around 87% of England’s streets are stained with gum. Estimates suggest the annual clean-up cost of chewing gum for UK councils alone is around £7 million – money which could be better spent. Don’t drop litter, folks.

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